<% dim UserName UserName=request("userID") %>
<% call ShowUserLogin() %>
<% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select * from user where UserName='"&UserName&"'" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if rs.eof and rs.bof then response.write "


" response.end() else %>
<% if rs("Qyjj")<>"" then response.write replace(rs("Qyjj"),chr(13),"
") end if %>
  地    址:<%=rs("Add")%>
  邮    编:<%=rs("Postcode")%>
  联 系 人:<%=rs("Receiver")%>
  电    话:<%=rs("Phone")%>
  传    真:<%=rs("Fax")%>
  公司主页:<%=rs("HomePage")%> <% end if rs.close set rs=nothing %>
<% DIM totalPutc DIM CurrentPagec DIM PerCount PerCount=8 DIM ii Dim rsOther if (not isempty(request("page"))) and isnumeric(request("page")) then currentPagec=cint(request("page")) ELSE currentPagec=1 END IF set rsOther=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select ID,DefaultPicUrl,UpdateTime,Title from Product where Product_Id='"&UserName&"' and EnMemo='1'" rsOther.open sql,conn,1,1 if rsOther.eof and rsOther.bof then response.write "


" Else totalPutc=rsOther.recordcount if currentpagec<1 then currentpagec=1 end if if (currentpagec-1)*PerCount>totalputc then if (totalPutc mod PerCount)=0 then currentpagec= totalPutc \ PerCount else currentpagec= totalPutc \ PerCount + 1 end if end if if currentPagec=1 then else if (currentPagec-1)*PerCount <% do while not rsOther.eof %> <% ii=ii+1 IF ii=4 And totalPutc>4+(currentPagec-1)*8 Then %> <% End if IF ii>=PerCount then exit do rsOther.movenext Loop %>
"> <% if rsOther("DefaultPicUrl")<>"" then response.write "" else response.write "" end if %>

<% spshowpage totalputc,PerCount,"",UserName end if rsOther.close set rsOther=Nothing %>
<% Dim bgcolor set rsg=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from Product where EnMemo='2'and Product_Id='"&UserName&"' order by UpdateTime" rsg.open sql,conn,1,1 if rsg.eof then %> <% Else do while not rsg.eof bgcolor="#f8f8f8" if bgcolor<>"" Then if instr(bgcolor,"#")>0 then if ii mod 2<>0 then bgcolor=" bgcolor='"&bgcolor&"'" else bgcolor="" end if else bgcolor=" background='"&bgcolor&"'" end if end if %> > <% rsg.movenext loop end if rsg.close set rsg=Nothing 'If ii > 5 then %> <% 'End if %>
发布日期 产品名称 数量 操作
 <%=rsg("UpdateTime")%>   <%=rsg("Title")%>   <%=rsg("Unit")%>  ">查看详细
<% set rsqyhd=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from Product where EnMemo='4'and Product_Id='"&UserName&"' order by UpdateTime" rsqyhd.open sql,conn,1,1 if rsqyhd.eof then %> <% Else %> <% do while not rsqyhd.eof %> <% rsqyhd.movenext Loop %> <% end if rsqyhd.close set rsqyhd=Nothing 'If ii >8 then %> <% 'End if %>