<% BigClass=request("BigClass") SmallClass=request("SmallClass") %>
      新 闻 搜 索
<% set rsSmallClass=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") rsSmallClass.open "Select * From SmallClass_New Where BigClassName='" & BigClass & "'",conn,1,1 if not(rsSmallClass.bof and rsSmallClass.eof) then do while not rsSmallClass.eof %> <% rsSmallClass.movenext loop end if rsSmallClass.close set rsSmallClass=nothing %>
<% If IsFlash2="Yes" Then %> <% Else %> <% end If%>


<% page=clng(request("page")) Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") if BigClass<>"" and SmallClass <>"" then sql="select * from news where BigClassName='"&BigClass&"' and SmallClassName='"&SmallClass&"' order by AddDate desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 elseif BigClass<>"" then sql="select * from news where BigClassName='"&BigClass&"' order by AddDate desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 end if if rs.eof and rs.bof then response.Write("暂时没有记录") else %> <% rs.PageSize=20 if page=0 then page=1 pages=rs.pagecount if page > pages then page=pages rs.AbsolutePage=page for j=1 to rs.PageSize %> <% rs.movenext if rs.eof then exit for next %> <% end if rs.close set rs=nothing %>
<% if rs("FirstImageName")<>"" then response.write "图片新闻" end if %> " target="_blank"><%= RS("TITLE") %>  [<%=FormatDateTime(RS("AddDate"),2)%>] (点击<%= RS("hits") %>)
<%if Page<2 then response.write "首页 上一页 " else response.write "首页 " response.write "上一页 " end if if rs.pagecount-page<1 then response.write "下一页 尾页" else response.write "" response.write "下一页 尾页" end if response.write " 页次:"&Page&"/"&rs.pagecount&"页 " response.write " 共"&rs.recordcount&"条记录 "&rs.pagesize&"条记录/页" response.write " 转到:" response.write "

" %>